Sunday, February 1, 2015

Cire: A Goddess of Magic

Written by: Mazy Davis
The daughter of Helios ( The god of the Sun) in most accounts. Some on the other hand make her out to be the daughter of Hecate (the goddess of witchcraft).

Cice was known for her immense knowledge on potions and herb's with her magical potions and and (Or staff) she would change her enemies or anyone who offended her into animal. Some believe that she was exiled to the island of Aeaea by her subjects and  father for killing her husband. But later stories say that she left, or sometimes even destroyed the island and then moved to Italy where she was known as Cape circeo.

Shadow People

Written by: Mazy Davis

Shadow-like people that appear as dark human- beings. Seen just in the corner of someone's eyes until noticed and then disappears. 

Some people report being followed or even attacked by shadow people. 

They have been described as being black humanoid silhouettes with no mouth, nose, or any expression. People also have said they have seen child-size shadows, shapeless masses, and even glowing red eyes.

 Their movements are said to change from moving very fast and then randomly jerking to almost looking like they are moving through water.

Short Fiction: The Akaname

Written by: James B. Davis

It was my first, and my last, trip in Japan. I had been seeking a vacation for a long time, and someone I new was looking to get rid of some plane tickets for a two way trip to Japan. I gladly excepted the offer, because as I said, I'd been wanting to go somewhere on vacation for I while, and I didn't want to go somewhere in America. I had two weeks to be in Japan, and, I was pretty excited, I just wish I wouldn't have gone now.
I had a couple days till the tickets where done for, so I had to hurry and pack. I brought every thing I might need, cloths, toothbrush, and of course my camera. As I the days before my trip went by, I sat around my house and watched TV and searched the web, just waiting to get on the plane and fly across the sea.
So when the day came, I woke about 6:00 AM, and got in a cab, and rode to the Airport. I waited for about two hours, drank some coffee and ate breakfast in a little cafe there. When it was finally time to board the plane, I waited about an hour inside the plane before take off, as you can see, things where getting off to a ruff start...
I arrived in Japan after about 6 hours on the plane, and after that I walked around the plaza and waited for a cab to arrive for me, which finally did after about ten minutes. Thank god I had an English speaking cab driver.
First time in Japan?” asked the cab driver
Yeah, first time out of America actually.” I said back to him, looking at him in the rear view mirror
Oh really? Well, long are you here?” he asked
Two weeks. You wouldn't happen to know a good hotel would you?” I answered and asked.
The cab drive suggested a small five room hotel in west side Tokyo, and dropped me off there. They excepted American money, which was good, and the rooms where

decent, the only down side was that there where no bathrooms in the rooms. You had to walk out of your room and outside of the building, and go to a bathroom that was connected to building. It wasn't really that bad, but it was a shame during the middle of the night.
I only spent three nights here, because of what happened the last night I was there. But we'll get to that, I spent those first two day walking around western Tokyo, taking plenty of pictures, and things like that, and then spent half of the third day siting in my room watching Japanese television, and let me tell you, that never get's old. I mean, it might be the strangest stuff I've ever seen on television.
That night I went to bed early, around 8:30 PM, I was real tired from the two days earlier. Plus the other half of that day I went for a two mile run, and I'm not in the best of shape. So I fell to sleep nearly the minute my head hit the pillow. I woke up at about 12:00 AM having to pee, and walked outside my bed room after putting on my jacket, and some pants. I stumbled slightly as my eyes adjusted. By the time I reached the bathroom, my eyes where fully adjust to my surroundings, and I was awake enough to know what was going on around me. But the door was locked, and I could hear heavy breathing inside.
I waited at the door for about five minutes, hopping slightly in hopes of keeping the urine in my bladder. Eventually I knocked on the door, and got no answer, so I just sat there for a few more minutes. After that, I got really mad, and just said “Fuck it!” and slowly opened the door. Filth covered the floor, and then, I saw it. I no longer had to pee when I saw it, it was red, a small tuff of hair on top of it's head, it's skin was incredibly bumpy, but it's tongue was impossibly long, it touched the ground, it had been licking it. When it saw me, it's tongue retracted into it's mouth, licking up filth from the ground in the process. It curled it's lips up to reveal long sharp teeth and hissed! Quickly I slammed the door, and ran into my room. I stayed there for a the entire night, awake with a vase in my hand.

I did fall asleep at some point. I don't know when, but it happened at some point. But I woke as the sun was rising, and I was hesitant to open the door at first, but after a few minutes, I mustered up some courage, and opened the door. That was the last night I stayed there, that day I moved to the other side of Tokyo. And I really didn't leave the hotel the whole time, I left to a few times to get food, or just to walk around for half an hour, but didn't do anything the rest of the time. I just simply waited for my plane, and when the time came to leave, I was really happy. I just want to leave, and never see Japan again. And that what I did. I'll never step foot in Japan ever again, I'm happy here in America, and I don't plan leaving America ever again...

Short Fiction: The Thing

Written by: Mazy Davis

I'm going to share a story.....its one that invokes fear in me to tell aloud. Even writing it now I feel a little bit on edge. Anyway on to my "encounter".  As a child I spent most of my time with my grandparents. They were lovely people, and an enjoyable pastime of my childhood was taking baths. All of my memories of my grandmother giving me baths we're happy, except one. This is the point of the story where I become uncomfortable. I'm going to get through this the best I can. Okay, here it goes.

 My grandmother always sat in the bathroom while I took a bath, at the time I was only four or five, not yet old enough to be taking a bath by myself. But I was a very good child, so my grandmother saw no issue with leaving the bathroom only for a moment. I don't remember why she left but I do remember her telling me that she would be right back. After she left there was a feeling that took over... like all the sound and color in the room had been taken away. Then the door slowly began began to close. Behind it was something that still freaks me out to this day. Behind the door there was a thing. It was hunched over, it was skinny and grey. It was so skinny that its bones were protruding. I remember being so terrified that I literally could not speak and just hoping that my grandma would come and save me. Then it looked at me its eyes were small a completely white.  As soon as I met its eyes, my grandmother opened the door, and the thing was gone. I remember not telling her what happened and just wanting to get out of the tub. What scares me the most was that this point I know that it was not my imagination, not in my mind but something physically there.

The Life of Micheal Faraday

Humphry Davy discovered many things that helped the world, such as Barium, Calcium, Sodium, and Boron; but his greatest discovery was a man, known by the name of Micheal Faraday. Faraday was born in 1791 to a poor family and was the third of four children. He was given only the simplest education and was forced to learn on his own.
At age 14, he became the apprentice of George Riebau, a book binder and book seller at a local store on Blandford Street. Over his seven-year apprenticeship as a book binder, he read many, many books, including Issac Watts The Improvement of the Mind and Jane Marcet's Conversations on Chemistry, both of which inspired in a big way. But what interested Faraday more than anything, was electricity.
In 1812, Faraday was now at 20 years of age, and was the age of his apprenticeship. Faraday was attending the lectures given by Humphry Davy of the Royal Institution and Royal Society, and John Tatum, founder of the City Philosophical Society. Faraday sent Davy a 300 page long book of all his notes that he had taken at Davey's Lectures.

In 1813, Davy had temporally lost his eyesight in an experiment with nitrogen trichloride; so decided to hire Faraday to be his eyes and carry out his experiments. At the same time, one of the Royal Institution's assistants had been fired, and Davey was asked to find a replacement, so he appointed Faraday as the Chemical Assistant at the Royal Institution on March 1st, 1813. Davy then entrusted Faraday with preparation of nitrogen trichloride samples, and they both became injured in an explosion of this very sensitive substance.
Faraday married Sarah Barnard on June 1821, they had met through their families at the Sandemanian church, and he announced his faith to the Sandemanian congregation the month after they were married.

Faraday was very religious, and long after his marriage, Faraday became a deacon and for two terms he served as an elder in the meeting house of his childhood. The church was located in Paul's Alley in Barbican. Historians say that "a strong sense of the unity of God and nature pervaded Faraday's life and work.".

In his lifetime, Faraday was offered a knighthood and twice he was offered presidency of the Royal Society; but he turned them down for religious reasons and said that he would prefer to stay "plain Mr Faraday to the end".

Micheal Faraday died August 25th, 1867, at the age of 75. One of the world's greatest and most important scientists gone forever. He is remembered as one of the world greatest scientists, and will be for much longer.